Link Associates provides a full continuum of services individually tailored to meet each person's and their families need. The people we serve can be in multiple services or just participate in one. To be eligible for services, each person must have a diagnosis of intellectual disability and frequently other mental and physical disabilities as well.

Those who choose our services have a dramatic range of abilities and Link's staff works side-by-side with each to them achieve their personal goals. For some consumers, this includes job training, for others it is 24 hours/365 day support.


Current services options include:


Residential Services – provide supported community living (SCL) to individuals in their own home. Link Associates will personalize supports to persons in meeting their social and leisure interests within their community as well as teaching the daily living skills needed to become as independent as possible. Link Residential program offers assistance during health care appointments and provides transportation to and from appointments for those served. Individuals and their families are encouraged to be an active part of the decision making process. The residential service is provided directly from Link Associates.

Representative Payee services are also available.


Day Habilitation Services – assists individuals in developing and maintaining life skills and community involvement. Activities enhance each individual’s intellectual functioning, physical and emotional health. Skills focused on include but are not limited to: communication, social development, daily living activities and mobility. These individualized programs offer participants the opportunity to pursue a variety of activities individually or within small groups. They are designed to stimulate, to enrich and to promote independence. Our holistic approach works with all aspects of an individual, bringing together work, family, friends and community to ensure a rewarding experience. This service is provided directly from Link Associates


Community Employment Services - assists individuals with finding employment, and providing on-site support to become successful independent employees. Supported Employment assists individuals to finda job and learn the necessary skills to maintain employment. Staff will assist in identifying and developing the skills to maintain employment, along with working with the employer to understand the support needs of each person. Wages and other benefits are the responsibility of the employer and fall within the employer’s standard hiring practices. Wages are paid directly to the individual. This service is provided directly from Link Associates.


Transportation Services - Meets the needs of persons served by transporting to and from day programs, business errands, essential shopping and non-emergency medical appointments (NEMT); providing independent living, social and leisure activities.

Link Associates is accredited as a provider of Home and Community Based Service ID Waiver and we pride ourselves on safe, effective, and efficient curb-to-curb transportation. Route sizes are small and drivers know the passengers and their individual program needs. Link Associates has a fleet of vehicles, including
cars, mini vans and adapted vehicles to meet the transportation needs of the persons served we provide this direct service to.


Case Management Services – are individually centered family and community focused services 
to assist individual’s in identifying, securing, and sustaining necessary supports to live within their community. The department also serves
 as a community resource and referral contact. Link Associates Case Managers work with individuals who are eligible for Iowa’s Home and Community Based Services Waivers and County funded services. Case Managers focus on personal goals, education, advocacy, and help individuals obtain appropriate services to meet their needs. This service is provided directly from Link Associates.


Therapeutic Recreation Services - offers comprehensive year- round, community-based programs including athletic and fitness training, Special Olympic sports, social and community integration, cultural opportunities, travel programs and special events. Nationally Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS) develop and facilitate all programs.

Services are based firmly on the philosophy that constructive use of leisure time promotes healthy human development. Personal experiences are strengthened through the program’s use of community resources and individual’s participation in integrated activities when chosen. Programs promote social interaction, improved physical functioning, leisure knowledge, awareness, artistic expression, self esteem and self worth.